• Scholarship 

    Honors Scholars Program Merit Award: Qing Chen

    My name is Qing Chen. I study Mathematics Education BS at CUNY New York City College of Technology. I love math and solving math problems makes me very happy. I especially enjoy helping others solve problems. In the future, I want to be a mathematician and an excellent math teacher. Besides math, I also like music and food. I like listening to classical music and eating all kinds of spicy food.

  • Leadership

    Honors Scholars Program Leadership Award: Micheal Lewis

    Hi, my name is Micheal Lewis. I am a 20 year old African American male majoring in Computer Engineering Technology at New York City College of Technology.  Outside of education, I like to indulge in other activities like gaming, listening to music, and making memories with friends. In ten years, I would like to be working at an engineering company tackling both the hardware and software side. However, my overall goal is to use my experience to start up my own successful business that will make a mark in the technology world. Technology is advancing everyday and I am eager to be a part of the process, specifically when it comes to development of smartphones, computers, televisions, and game consoles.


    Honors Scholars Program Leadership Award: Kimberly Ramgopal

    Going into college in 2019 I didn’t think things would be things would take such a turn in 2020. When I first started college I was a freshman not knowing what to expect. I decided to pursue a BTech degree in Computer Systems at City Tech but looking back it was quite a trip. My name is Kimberly Ramgopal and I am a Junior at New York City College of Technology. Since pursuing a BTech degree I’ve gone through lots of ups and downs in the last three years since the beginning of college but I know in this case the pros outweigh the cons because this degree can have many opportunities and open many doors. With it, I get to see the world from a different angle because living in the technological age there are so many things to learn and do and it’s so accessible with technology. When I took my first java class at City Tech it was beyond eye-opening because it showed me another way to solve problems that were different from a mathematical standpoint. I continued to study java as I progressed through my semesters and it’s incredible how much you can do and learn. Knowing how to code provides a person with the power to create, and make an overall change to not only a person’s mindset but in the workplace as well because of all the career options a person can go into to learn and grow. I think that being accepted into the City Techs Honors Scholars program is a big step forward for me and I can use the opportunities it has to move forward in the future. I’m very grateful and can’t wait to participate in what the Honors program has to offer.


    Honors Scholars Program Leadership Award: Cindy Veliz

    Cindy Veliz is a first generation undergraduate student at New York City College of Technology. She is currently studying for her BTech degree in Construction Engineering Technology and also has a certification in ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician-Grade 1.

    Ms. Veliz believes in helping others who come from similar backgrounds who historically have always been left behind. She considers teamwork to be important because it allows an individual to work with their strengths and the strengths of others on their team. She believes teamwork encourages people to support each other and allows for problem solving abilities in a safe and healthy environment. Ms. Veliz currently works at College and Career Bridge for All as a Coach Supervisor in which she helps students in schools that are disproportionately community college bound, have low postsecondary enrollment rates, and with large populations of students of color. She hopes to continue making a difference in any program she enters and is grateful for any opportunity that allows her to do so.

  • Service

    Honors Scholars Program Service Awards: Olga Privman

    Olga Privman is deeply grateful for all that she has been given, and as such, feels that she must do everything she can to give back to the world. Having graduated Summa Cum Laude last semester in Professional and Technical Writing with specialization and minor in Physics, and ahead of her final semester to complete her second degree – in Applied Computational Physics – Olga has been blessed with the opportunity to conduct grant-funded research with brilliant mentors in geophysics, astronomy, and quantum computing.

    Through the amazing Honors Scholars Program that she has been fortunate enough to join, she was able to seek additional guidance from her mentors in machine learning, linear algebra, editing, technical documentation, and quantum mechanics, as well as benefit from its multitude of workshops. Within the last year, she served as the National Society of Collegiate Scholars’ (NSCS) Vice President of Community Service, for which she conducted a workshop series on paid internships and wrote the Paid Internship Guide: A Bridge Between the Scholastic and Professional, published on the Honors Scholars website, as part of her own internship for Professional and Technical Writing. She is currently completing her internship for Applied Computational Physics as a Guest Researcher at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Astrophysics.

    She hopes to use the advantages in education that City Tech has graciously given her to both research and write about physics, endeavoring to help protect our world and its amazing inhabitants from the ravages of climate change, while learning and sharing with others the secrets of our wondrous universe. Olga is an avid lover of astronomy who lives in the joy of the overview effect; a writer with a heart at home in fantasy and song; and a deep believer in the best potential of humanity. She strongly believes that with effort, courage, and empathy, we can come together and build wonders. She is profoundly honored to receive this prestigious award, and will use it to help continue her pursuits in science and writing, and with them, her efforts to benefit humanity.

Previous Award Winners

2020-2021 Honors Scholars Program Scholarship Merit Award: Olga Privman; Leadership Award: Joya Biswas; and Service Award: Juvanie Piquant

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 20, 2025

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Game Jam: Playtesting etiquette

Academic Complex A-209

Thursday, March 27, 2025

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Mental Health Resources

Namm Hall N-226

Thursday, April 03, 2025

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Presentation Consultation

General Building G-313

Contact Information

Location: General Building G-313 • 300 Jay St. • Email: honorsscholars@citytech.cuny.eduPhone: 718.254.8668

Program Administration

Dr. Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis
Director of the Honors Scholars Program
NSCS Chapter Co-Advisor
Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Design Game-Based Learning Lab

Prof. Tamrah D. Cunningham
Interim Assistant Director of the Honors Scholars Program
NSCS Chapter Co-Advisor
Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Design Game-Based Learning Lab

Ms. Monisha Sooklall
Coordinator of the Honors Scholars Program