Interdisciplinary Design
Game-Based Learning Lab (ID GBL2)

Co-Directors Prof. Tamrah D. Cunningham and Dr. Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis


The Interdisciplinary Design Game-Based Learning Lab (ID GBL2) is a place to create games for students by students. Honors students design a variety of digital and non-digital games that they feel will help students learn the fundamental concepts from different disciplines. Students have a chance to create computer games, virtual reality games, or non-digital tabletop games (e.g., board games, card games, dice games, social games, etc.)  that can be easily implemented in a classroom setting. Once created, faculty who are interested in incorporating game-based learning into their curriculum can request a consultation to discuss their course, play student games, and explore incorporating design game-based learning to target critical concepts in their classroom.  However, the games are also available to any interested student whose faculty have not incorporated our games in their classes.  In particular, our game library allow students to access games online or to make an appointment to play non-digital games.

Game Jam

Beginning in spring 2023, the Honors Scholars Program along with City Tech’s Chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) hosts game jams focused on playtesting and game literacy. During these events, students play a collection of games of similar themes so they can understand the process of game design and get an idea as to possible games they can create. There is time for students who are already in the process of creating games through the game lab to playtest their games and get constructive feedback from those who attended. Students are encouraged to attend New York University (NYU) Playtest Thursdays. NYU Game Center and Games for Learning Institute students are able to mentor our student designers on not only game design, but game-based learning and creating games to be used in a classroom setting. Subject matter experts will be consulted, as needed.

Game Jam session example: At the start of the session, a group of students show any recent progress that was made in the development of their game from the last session. Participating student volunteers briefly play through the game while the rest of the attendees offer feedback on how to approach a particular problem that the developers are struggling with. Once completed, the session moves on to the discussion of a particular skill that is often crucial to creating compelling games (for example, storytelling). Students play Betrayal at House on the Hill. As they play, they discuss how students can make narratives interactive and learn about different storytelling elements. The session ends with the announcement of the theme for the next session, resource management.


Honors Scholars Program interns design and develop games to be used in a classroom setting. They are provided with the resources and the space to work on their game. At the end of the internship, their games are added to the Game Library. Students first focus on researching and planning their games and providing a playable paper prototype, then they move on to a full development cycle where the result is a completed game that may be used in a classroom. Students present their honors projects as an Interdisciplinary Project during the Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Semi-Annual Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation. Educational research is conducted, when appropriate, which results in conference presentations and publications to disseminate our work.

Current intern: Michael Peterkin (fall 2024-spring 2025)

Previous interns: Monisha Sooklall (fall 2024), Daniel Hernandez (fall 2023-spring 2024), Michael Pamesa (spring 2024), Kimberly Ramgopal (fall 2022-fall 2023), Luke Hahn (spring 2023), Qing (Charlotte) Chen and Cindy Veliz (fall 2022)

Upcoming Events

Thursday, February 20, 2025

12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Thursday, February 20, 2025

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Thursday, February 27, 2025

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Contact Information

Location: General Building G-313 • 300 Jay St. • Email: honorsscholars@citytech.cuny.eduPhone: 718.254.8668

Program Administration

Dr. Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis
Director of the Honors Scholars Program
NSCS Chapter Co-Advisor
Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Design Game-Based Learning Lab

Prof. Tamrah D. Cunningham
Interim Assistant Director of the Honors Scholars Program
NSCS Chapter Co-Advisor
Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Design Game-Based Learning Lab

Ms. Monisha Sooklall
Coordinator of the Honors Scholars Program